Celebrate the Swiss year
of cultural heritage in 2018!

We experience our cultural heritage on a daily basis and often subconsciously; the possible areas of contact are design, art, architecture or also handicraft traditions. Through the latter we experience unnoticed how wide-ranging our culture is because they penetrate our everyday lives and our quality of life. On 25 May the Association of Swiss Interior Designers is devoting a large celebration to this year’s cultural heritage year under the slogan «World Interior Day», which will take place in the Kosmos in Zurich.

«From the past into the future»
Our cultural heritage builds a bridge between our past and the future. This valuable heritage characterises not only the identity of every individual, but also creates the cohesion in our society. It’s the glue that binds our society. The important components of our culture are in turn changing continuously in line with social developments. However, the importance and presence of cultural heritage is rarely perceived consciously – instead it is usually assumed to be a self-evident component of our identity, society and history. This is why it’s so important not only to identify and honour the value of our cultural heritage, but also to safeguard it for subsequent generations so that they can carry it forward, learn from it and also make it accessible to future generations.

«Let’s celebrate our cultural heritage!»
The event on 25 May in the Kosmos Zurich provides a superb opportunity to celebrate the year of cultural heritage in the context of interior design. World Interior Day (WID) is being held on this date, which will be organised by the Association of Swiss Interior Designers (VIS.ASAI.). The focus of the event will be on major interior designers of the past and present. A connection will be made between the past and present with an architectural guided tour through the building and the podium discussion with Joan Billing and Samuel Eberli (Design+Design) about the origins of interior design and its protagonists. Students from the four Swiss universities teaching interior design, namely the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland. (FHNW), Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU), HEAD and University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) will be displaying their projects. At the subsequent “Meet and Greet” drinks event, the different generations of Swiss designers and interior designers will be on site.

Kurt Thut was a manufacturer, design engineer and designer simultaneously. He designed the factory building for his company himself. Photo: Pirmin Rösli.

Left: Armchair HE-113 1956 by Hans Eichenberger. Photo: Michael Lio for Design+Design. Right: The film cupboard of Kurt Thut. Designed in 1994. Photo: Photo archives Fa. Thut Möbel AG.

The interior design class of Willy Guhl around 1953 at the School of Arts and Crafts in Zurich. Sitting in the middle is Kurt Thut in the black roll neck jumper. Photo from the private archives of Alfred Aebersold.

«Honouring Trix and Robert Haussmann»
Trix and Robert Haussmann will also be honoured at the event on 25 May by the Association of Interior Designers (VIS.ASAI.) for their life’s work. Their works clearly show how our society has changed over the last 50 years, how the dreams, wishes but also aspirations of society have developed and innovations have changed us. This award honours the cultural heritage of home décor in Switzerland, which also contributed to the international image of Switzerland in its day. It was able to combine interior design, design, architecture and art at an interdisciplinary level and with its interdisciplinary vision in the wild 1960s already anticipate the post-modern days of the 1980s. It is undisputed that their oeuvre consisting of more than 650 works produced together is part of one of the richest in the field of interior design, design and architecture, which Switzerland has ever witnessed. Their works can therefore be perceived as a visible sign of our common cultural heritage. Anyone who wants to find out more about Trix and Robert Haussmann, will have the opportunity to do so at the end of the year. Design+Design will present Trix and Robert Haussmann more extensively in their series called «Swiss protagonists of home décor» and honour their beginnings with a publication, exhibition, themed evenings and a Sunday matinee.

«Pioneers of interior design»
The works of Trix and Robert Haussmann show the central role they played in formulating a vision of interior design, which became tangible for the first time at the beginning of the 1940s. Their expectations of good interior design characterised not only the position of an interior designer and the latter’s responsibilities, but also always placed people as users at the heart of their creative work. This vision, which was formulated 75 years ago, is now more relevant than ever. It’s important to be consciously aware of the significance of our cultural heritage, but also to celebrate it because this valuable asset lives through the people, who talk about it in an active dialogue and cultivate it. All of us have the task of embracing our common cultural heritage.

Kronenhalle Bar interior view. Photo: Fred Waldvogel.

Staircase to the Da Capo Bar Zurich, view through the main room to the entrance. Photo: Alfred Hablützel.

Photography: Pirmin Rösli, Alfred Hablützel, Fred Waldvogel, Sabine Dreher, Michael Lio